This is for all the single mothers raising children. I am thankful that I was raised by a single mother; of course I needed a father, but that was the hand I was dealt. This emptiness was needless, but I have to recognize that my older brother and my mom tried to fill that void and they tried their best. In fact, most of the world, including the church, would say that I came from a dysfunctional family, but it was God's plan all along; it was what actually brought me to my knees and accepted Christ. I am thankful for Him, them and all the people that invested in me; especially my mom. This blog post is for all the mothers, mainly those single mothers raising men. After the not so pleasant memories in my early years, my “first” memories were of my mom working two jobs, one at Publix and another at a restaurant (don’t remember the name). However, I do remember that she would leave early and not come back until late at night dressed in her cashier un...